6 Ways to Naturally Treat Dry Eyes
Dry eye syndrome is an issue that is very common, and in older adults, it affects up to 70% of the population in the country. Initially, this condition is known to cause it causes mild discomfort, but if not taken care of at the right time, dry eye syndrome can soon damage the cornea. So here are some of the easily available home remedies for dry eyes. Drinking Green Tea Of all the home remedies for dry eyes, drinking green tea is one of the best. It has been observed that the extracts of green tea have helped in curing occasional dry eye issues by comforting the tissues present on the ocular surface. It also inhibits MMP-9, a protein that majorly contributes to dry eyes. Following the 20/20/20 Knowing the fact that there are many habitual and avid readers, here is a small step that can help you prevent dry eyes. Since avid readers tend to blink less, there is less production of tears in eyes because of which they become dry. To prevent this, after every 20 minutes of reading, a reader should look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Additionally, a reader should consciously practice blinking while reading.