5 Uncommon Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
In the past couple of years, awareness relating to breast cancer has improved dramatically. Today, men and women are aware of the common and uncommon signs of breast cancer.However, the thing with this condition is that the signs may not always be visible. Hence, regular screening tools like mammograms are essential. Aside from a few obvious symptoms, there are several uncommon symptoms of breast cancer. Here, we’ll discuss a few of them.
- Leaking nipple
When you recently have a baby or are pregnant, you will notice fluid leaking from either one or both of your nipples. It is your breast milk. However, if you’re not in your final stages of pregnancy, a leaky nipple might be a sign of an early stage of breast cancer. It might not always happen as a result of the disease. Leaking nipples could be because of other issues, too, such as galactorrhea. Hence, whenever you experience this symptom, immediately get in touch with your doctor.
Bloodstain on the bra
Seeing a stain of blood on the bra or maybe a tiny blood smear on the nipple could mean that something is not normal. It may be a symptom of breast cancer too. However, this again is not always linked to breast cancer. The blood smear could be because of a couple of different reasons. These include:
- Unusual growth in the breast ducts, i.e., intraductal papilloma, which might not be cancerous.
- Duct ectasia wherein you’ll experience thickening or widening of the breast ducts, which might lead to a fluid buildup.
- Unusually hard rubbing of clothing on the breasts, especially during physical activity.
However, if you aren’t aware of the reason for the blood smear on the nipple, it could be an uncommon sign of breast cancer and must be checked . Thus, you must mention it on your upcoming visit to the doctor.
Swelling in lymph nodes
The lymph nodes help the body filter and destroy viruses, bacteria, and other things, which might make you ill. You can easily feel an unusual swelling in them. Now, when the swelling in lymph nodes is near the collarbone or armpit, it could be a sign of breast cancer.
Itchy nipple
A lot of women experience itchiness in the nipple. It is common and usually goes away with an anti-itch ointment or cream. However, it could be a symptom of Paget’s disease. Though rare, it is a type of breast cancer that originates at the nipple, but later spreads to the surrounding area. In addition to itching, you might also experience:
- Flattened nipple
- Thickened, crusty, or flaking skin
- Redness or tingling sensation
- Bloody or yellow discharge
Swollen or tender breasts
There is a myriad of reasons why you might have tender or swollen breasts. One of the most common reasons is the infection in the breasts. However, there’s a chance that this swelling could be because of inflammatory cancer of the breast, which is a rare type. So, if there’s any swelling, visit your doctor immediately.