Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Substance abuse has a severe impact on people from every socio-economic background. Be it recreationally or under medical prescription, regardless of the reason you start alcoholism or narcotics, the pattern of physical vulnerability and excessive usage can later translate into an addition. At times, addiction happens much before you realize it.  

Signs of alcohol and substance abuse
When there is a disorder of narcotic or alcohol abuse, it can get hard for you to stop. In most cases, you will need help from a professional. Substance abuse creates havoc on your mind and body and can be life-threatening. So, it is critical to keep a tab on the signs of alcohol and substance abuse. When you notice the symptoms in you or anyone you know, it is crucial to get immediate help. Admitting that you have a substane abuse problem is not shameful. Doing so will only save your life. Narcotic abuse or alcoholism will reproduce noticeable symptoms and signs. It could be either behavioral or physical symptoms or even both at the same time. Let us understand them one by one. 

Behavioral symptoms
Substance abuse has a direct effect on the habits and the behavior of the person. Excessive consumption of alcohol or narcotics can hamper the brain’s natural ability to think or focus well. These are some behavioral changes that are associated with substance abuse: 

  • Increased irritability or aggression
  • Lethargy
  • Changes in personality or attitude
  • Depression
  • A massive change in priorities or habits
  • Noted alterations in social network
  • Engaging in criminal activity

Physical symptoms
One giveaway sign of alcohol and substance abuse is one that affects some of your physiological processes or functionalities. For instance, when you consume a prescription for a while, your body develops a tolerance to it. At times, the body might even adapt to the persistently elevated dosage of the substance. So, when your tolerance towards something grows, you’ll need a higher quantity or dose of it to fetch the same results as before. So, one glass becomes two; two glasses become three; and so on. The same applies to the drug dosages too. People who indulge in narcotics feel a sense of high consumption. So, because of repetitive use, the body stops getting high in the same dose. Hence, they might consume it in large doses for overcoming their tolerance. As a result, they put themselves under constant risk of a deadly overdose.

In addition to these, you might also see a change in your overall appearance. These include: 

  • Constricted or dilated pupils
  • Glazed or bloodshot eyes
  • Changes in body weight
  • Dental issues
  • Hygiene changes
  • Skin changes
  • Inability to sleep or oversleeping 

Your signs would largely depend on the method or substance used. For instance, if you consume liquor with heavy alcohol content or taking it in, the neater form repeatedly will reproduce signs faster. Similarly, in drugs, too, injecting or smoking them will both reproduce different symptoms. Identifying behavioral and physical signs can prevent the progression of the problem.